Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 11 - Market Report

I had baby Oliver all to myself today, and he rode (mostly) peacefully on my back as I tended to the affairs of our market booth.  I used him shamelessly to draw in baby lovers of all ages.  In the final tally, we sold two of Grandfather's grapevine baskets (I have a check for you from one of your church mates), several tins of comfrey cream and spearmint lip balm, several bars of lard soap, and at least half of the produce on offer.  I can usually tell what's for dinner on Saturday nights as the market winds down, and people start packing up.  Tonight will be (surprise, surprise) squash and zucchini with fresh herbs!  Again, Daddy?

Lavender and chocolate mint sold well; everyone wanted the basil that we didn't bring; round zucchinis did pretty well, some straight necks too; pre-sold 2 oyster mushroom buckets for next weekend, and I'm looking forward to having shiitake logs back on the menu by then as well, possibly Tuesday afternoon, we'll see how busy early week is.  A new mushroom called Lion's Mane will be incubating in the totem pole style, and hopefully we'll have them for sale before the new year.  (Although they say they taste like lobster when cooked in butter, so don't hold your breath that any will make it to market!)  Wine cap Stropharia mushrooms should be on the list by fall too.

Wildean Easters and Sharon Petzel, I owe each of you an oyster mushroom bucket next Saturday.  This round is a flashy citron yellow oyster variety!  Looking forward to seeing them in "bloom."

Thanks to all for your support!

Tripp and Jess

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